Well, Mrs C and I are recovering from a busy week with various family members staying with us, plus on Saturday, visiting relatives in Leicester, and then yesterday, taking our youngest daughter back up to Leeds (with a load of her stuff). Today, I've wired up our Virgin Media Freeview box to our old hi-fi system, so we can now get superb quality digital radio sound ... the only problem will be to hide the cabling somehow.. we'll probably get someone in to put it under the floor-boarding in due course. The other minor achievement we did was to hang a lovely painting done by our niece. It's entitled "Day Breaks Within Me", and it took the artist 2 years to paint it (as she has a full-time job looking after her 1 year old son and she composes music too). The painting looks stunning up on our dining room wall. It's 120cm wide, by the way. This evening we watched a superb Stephen Poliakoff drama: " Joe's Palace" with Michael Gambon in one of the lead parts, and I'm currently videoing " A Girl With A Pearl Earring", which I'd like to see again. Mrs C has gone to bed early as she woke up very early this morning at 4am. Not that she'll sleep all that well right this minute, as there are fireworks going off around the house as loud as artillery fire. I'm sitting here on the computer as usual -- blogging away while there are no "distractions" (like Mrs C talking to me). New Year's Resolutions? These are generally a waste of time, aren't they -- but they're fun to think about, and a good topic of conversation too. I've made one resolution ... which is to structure my days a bit more ... to set about doing a household task in the mornings .. eg putting up a few more shelves in the garage downstairs, putting back up the roller-blind in the kitchen, and a host of other small jobs which I've put off doing for yonks. Mrs C was delighted to hear about this when I told her earlier today. Now will I get those shelves up .... this week, this coming month or this coming year? A good intention, but will I do it?
Yipee, it's Xmas Eve
It's now 11.45 on the clock, and I'm the last person in the house, who's still up (and not tucked up in bed with a hottie ...and that's not Mrs C unfortunately). There are stacks of pressies in the sitting room ... mainly for Little India, who should have some fun tomorrow unwrapping her's...(or is it "hers"?). I've often wondered how the myth of Santa working all night with his reindeer to deliver pressies to everyone, could be at all believable ... but after all it's just a bit of fun (and commercially a very successful idea for traders to sell us all their stuff). Just for a bit of fun, I spent a couple of hours on Saturday in Hyson Green Asda .. a large supermarket in Nottingham which had about half of Nottingham's population inside it at the time .. several of the aisles were gridlocked with trolleys, so I had great fun dodging around all those and the hundreds of people. I ended up with a trolley-load myself of mainly stuff I could have bought earlier in the week. Some people had two trolleys stacked high with food -- as if they were stocking up for WW3.. ..amazing. The fact that I'd sprained my right ankle (again) a few days earlier didn't help, or add to the fun, but then with so many people milling about, I couldn't have walked any faster anyway. Our local mini-supermarket run by Nottingham Co-op, is only closed for one day (tomorrow) and is open 12 hours a day on other days this week ... so why the mad rush to buy up lots and lots of food when the shops are shut for only one or two days? I will end on a funny joke I saw on one Xmas card this year. On the front cover was a black and white photo of Santa with a disgusted look on his face, which was partially turned to the left. The caption printed underneath read: "As the wind rustled through Santa's whiskers, he began to regret giving Rudolf some Brussels sprouts earlier in the day."
Father Christmas
What did you say to your kids when they were little, about Father Christmas? Did you pretend he was real, and put out a glass of sherry and a few mince pies for him on the kitchen table on Xmas Eve ... and spin yarns about him and Rudolf working hard all night delivering pressies worldwide? Or did you tell the kids as we did, that it was all a fairy story, but nevertheless put stockings full of little treats on their beds at midnight, etc.. .. keeping some of the magic alive that we experienced as kids. When I was a kid, we used to get stocking treats such as a clementine and a few sweets ( Quality Street chocs usually ... the ones in purple wrappers were my favourites), and a few balloons for us to blow up.... sometimes a thin paper party hat also. When you were a child, how old were you when you realised that Father Christmas was just make-believe? One of Mrs C's friends told her a true story about the outing of Father Christmas in her family ... her grandson, Jamie, made a solemn request to his parents one morning, a couple of weeks ago: "Dad and Mum -- I want to talk to you right now in the sitting room .... ... come and sit down!" Jamie is seven years old, by the way. "My friend Sam says Father Xmas is all made up ... is this true? .... I want to know the truth!" His dad didn't say anything, but his mum attempted to tell him the truth in a roundabout way, so as not to hurt his feelings. (It was his mum who was obsessional about keeping up the pretence that Santa was real for the last 6-7 years).... "I'm sorry to say this, Jamie, but Sam is right." Whereupon Jamie burst into tears and sobbed for a few minutes. Mum then asked Jamie if he wouldn't mind keeping quiet about all this as regards his younger sister, Alice, so that she could enjoy all the fun of believing Santa was real. Jamie cheered up a little on hearing this, but then he said: "And what about the tooth fairy?!"
Lost and found
Two days ago I turned the house over looking for some Xmas pressies I'd bought for a few relatives ... the pressies were HMV tokens for the younger generation (thinking they'd have some fun choosing some music for themselves, rather than putting up with my choice). The tokens were inside four plain envelopes, so in this house it was a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Very frustrating... especially when looking through a drawer or a bag for the third time ... just in case. Eventually Mrs C found them ... she got us thinking about everything I'd bought from the City Centre that day, and while she was in our main bedroom she recalled that the tokens were in the same bag as another pressie - a box of chocs ( Thornton's Continental Selection)... she'd hidden them away in her wardrobe (something I don't use unless I'm trying on some of her clothes). This was at about 4pm after I'd spent most of the day searching for the things... I was on the point of going out to buy some more. What a relief. The good side of all this was that my study/den got a well- needed tidy-up ... the best it's ever had ... it was starting to look as if a teenager was living in the house, and was becoming a dumping ground for various things ... empty boxes for the Xmas decorations and the like, plus a few empty glasses and mugs. Now it's all neat and tidy with far less clutter. A friend told me about someone who goes around his house with a small digital camera around his neck -- taking photos of everything he did of any importance, so he could see at any time where he'd put such-and-such ... an alternative to having CCTV in your house in every room. Could be good for remembering where you put your car keys down ... if you remember to take a photo of them. Now where did I put that shopping list .... .... ?
8 days to Xmas
Only 8 days left until Xmas! How do you feel about that? Are you getting excited or are you feeling horrified about the amount of shopping you've got to do, getting food and pressies in, and meal planning for the Xmas period ... or getting off in the post yet another Xmas card to someone who's just sent you one? Or if you're a Christian, you may be feeling excited about taking part in the annual remembrance / celebration of JC's birth? One of our family traditions when I was a kid, was to listen to the annual carol service from King's College, Cambridge ... and in later life to watch it all on TV. Though I'm not a believer, I do feel there's something magical and really beautiful in the candlelit service ... a bit like listening to/watching a well enacted fairy tale/ Hollywood film... something that has a wow factor for me. Watching it does send me straight back in time to my childhood Xmasses, and re-creates all the magic and excitement I felt at the time.... Xmas trees, Xmas pies & cake, opening pressies & a Xmas stocking in the middle of the night (feeling sick of eating sweets by breakfast time!), and occasionally going to see a panto or film at Xmas. So how's is it all going for you?
Ruddy statistics
Reading through the Money Section of last Saturday’s Guardian, I came across a report of a survey of small UK business bosses, carried out by Barclays Local Business. The survey found that more than 4 out of 10 UK entrepreneurs were “first born”. The Guardian article then stated that the first born are often of higher intelligence and are higher achievers than their other siblings. It then mentioned a few first-borns who’ve done well ...eg Sir Richard Branson and JK Rowling. The overall conclusion of this article was that first-borns were more likely to succeed in business than their siblings, as supported by the survey findings. ... er, the survey findings?? If you look more closely at these, the survey findings appear to show that first-borns are at a disadvantage to their siblings, don’t you think? … 6 out of 10 UK bosses were not first-born. It’s strange isn’t it, how people start off with an idea (sometimes a very good and sensible one), and then look around for some statistical evidence to support their point of view. Politicians and their advisers are very adept at doing this, of course ... producing statistical evidence to outsmart their opponents. Any statistic that doesn’t support their point of view gets ignored. So who are we to believe? And the scientists themselves, who do the research … are they trustworthy? I think most of them are, and that they’re a very dedicated bunch of people … certainly those who work for university research departments independently of big business … but then how much research in these departments is sponsored by big business, which would like results produced to put their products / business in a good light? So if someone starts spouting statistics at you, or makes claims that this and that food / medicine is good for your liver, brain, kidneys, skin or immune system, I’d advise some degree of caution / scepticism about them, until you can review the evidence for yourself.
Darwin's Story of Amnesia
No doubt you will have been following the amazing case of John and Anne Darwin in the media … John who allegedly faked his own death in a canoeing accident in 2002, and then went into a police station on 5 December claiming amnesia. I wonder how the police found out his name, in the first place? The fact that his story and that of his wife’s has been blown by the photo of them both smiling in a Panamanian removal firm’s website, and further revelations / allegations about them day by day in the press, makes a prison sentence for them both seem very likely. The sad victims of all this appear to be their two sons who were both unaware of what was going on. If all the press allegations are true, it seems to me that John Darwin was daft to think that the police would believe his story … what could he say for example about the fake passport and identity he’d used allegedly? Perhaps their dream of a new life together in Panama was not working out, and he/she/both decided to return to the UK and start all over again here? If you’d gone abroad to escape prosecution, would you return to your home country when there’s a chance you might end up in prison? I think I would stay abroad incognito. So why on earth did John Darwin come back? That’s what I’d like to know. Was he amnesic? I’ve just done a search about the Darwins in Google … there are loads of entries about them. One of the entries reads: “Book Your Canoeing Getaway with John Darwin.”
Rainbow pattern
Sunlight scattered by a prism.
A small couch potato
Little Ava (aka Shibby) is very keen on fiddling with our remote controls, and changing channels on the TV / Freeview box. She lounges back on our sofa, and plays with a remote control, pressing the buttons with her thumbs. When her dad, Kris, first saw this at home, he remarked to Beck: "Oh my God! We've raised a slob!" Here she is inspecting a tube of Mrs C's hand cream ... she's worked out how to prise open lids like this with her teeth (well she's only got two teeth so far, but they're put to good use chomping on apples and the like). She's now 14 months.
I'm having a break this weekend
... from two busy days looking after Little Ava, who's been recovering from a mild diarrhoea bug. She was not well enough to go to her childminder's, so I volunteered to look after while her mum went to work (she job-shares with a colleague for 2-3 days a week ... hubby working abroad this past week). Fortunately, I didn't have any pookie nappies to change yesterday, and Little A's appetite had returned - so she was back a normal diet for her - Birds Eye fish fingers, & steamed potato, carrot, lots of brocolli & courgettes, plus natural yoghurt & some of Mrs C's gingerbread for lunch - yes, she ate a good helping of all that. Sounds like she's become a Very Hungry Caterpillar, a story she enjoys looking at. I felt knackered by 10.30pm, after my second day looking after her, and went to bed much earlier than usual. How do older parents manage with young ones ... where do they get the stamina from? I don't think I'd wish to be dad again at my age, if we had the choice. Here are a few photos I took of her and her cousin a week or so ago ...