Monday, December 24, 2007

Yipee, it's Xmas Eve

It's now 11.45 on the clock, and I'm the last person in the
house, who's still up (and not tucked up in bed with a hottie
...and that's not Mrs C unfortunately).

There are stacks of pressies in the sitting room ... mainly for
Little India, who should have some fun tomorrow unwrapping
her's...(or is it "hers"?).

I've often wondered how the myth of Santa working all night with
his reindeer to deliver pressies to everyone, could be at all
believable ... but after all it's just a bit of fun (and
commercially a very successful idea for traders to sell us all
their stuff).

Just for a bit of fun, I spent a couple of hours on Saturday
in Hyson Green Asda .. a large supermarket in Nottingham which
had about half of Nottingham's population inside it at the time ..
several of the aisles were gridlocked with trolleys, so I had
great fun dodging around all those and the hundreds of people.
I ended up with a trolley-load myself of mainly stuff I could
have bought earlier in the week. Some people had two trolleys
stacked high with food -- as if they were stocking up for WW3..

The fact that I'd sprained my right ankle (again) a few days
earlier didn't help, or add to the fun, but then with so many
people milling about, I couldn't have walked any faster anyway.

Our local mini-supermarket run by Nottingham Co-op, is only
closed for one day (tomorrow) and is open 12 hours a day on
other days this week ... so why the mad rush to buy up lots and
lots of food when the shops are shut for only one or two days?

I will end on a funny joke I saw on one Xmas card this year.
On the front cover was a black and white photo of Santa with a
disgusted look on his face, which was partially turned to the

The caption printed underneath read: "As the wind rustled through
Santa's whiskers, he began to regret giving Rudolf some Brussels
sprouts earlier in the day."


Blogger AngelConradie said...

mwaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa... i love that joke!

it sounds like you had a marvellous christmas, i miss christmas shopping...

8:43 pm  

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