Wednesday, June 29, 2011

“All things bright and beautiful"

.... "All creatures great and small,”

I was singing this lovely song in the shower yesterday morning, feeling
cheerful & thinking about the good times when I used to sing this as a
young child at school.

But when I came to the bit: “the Lord God made them all.” I thought to
myself: “What a load of codswallop.”

I happen to believe in Darwinian theory as regards the origin of our
species, and that evolution is responsible for the creation of all life

I also support the Big Bang theory as regards the creation of our solar
system, but then I ask myself who / what created all the matter that
was swirling around before that? I could accept that there might well
have been a supernatural force, which created all this matter, and which facilitated / caused The Big Bang.

I think that a lot of Christians would accept that the timing of
the birth of Jesus Christ is incorrect, and that a lot of the
Christmas-time magic … and it does feel magical for me … relates
to old pagan festivities, which the Christian churches highjacked.

So I think that the Christian churches should re-write their entire
religious services and teaching, to encompass these new ideas … and
that they should acknowledge that there is a measure of doubt as
regards the whole creation process.

Have a think about the Adam and Eve story, for example … God created
Eve from one of Adam’s ribs, so The Bible says. (He was clever
enough to give her an X chromosome, and thereafter introduce some
genetic diversity, so that we didn’t all end up looking like clones
of Adam). There is no mention of Adam and Eve getting married,
so it appears that they had an incestuous relationship, as did
several of their offspring … so is incest OK? As you will know,
there was a lot of “begatting” from one generation to the next
after that, but there is no explanation of the fact that we
Westerners look a lot different from Asians and Black Africans
… or an acknowledgment of the thousands of years it’s taken to
produce such differences.

I read on my Yahoo email page this morning, that the Duchess of
Cambridge, Kate Windsor (nee Middleton), is apparently a distant
relative of Jane Austen, both of whom are said to be descendants
of Henry Percy, the second Earl of Northumberland.

Here’s a link to a webpage about this …

I did a bit of more research on this, first of all checking out
Henry, who was the son of Hotspur, and then having a look at
Kate’s ancestry…

There’s been much said about one of her great-great grandparents
being a coal miner in County Durham (John Harrison b.1874)… perhaps
the land he mined once belonged to Henry Percy, which would be amusing
if this were true.

On this pedigree, the research goes back as far as Sir Thomas Fairfax
(who died in 1520/21).

The authors reckon that Thomas Fairfax is a common ancestor to both
Kate and to her hubby William … which suggests that they are cousins.

I think it’s possible that all our aristocracy and gentry are related
to one another, because of intermarriage over the years. Kate is said
to be a commoner, but then it appears that she has a few genes in
common with Diana Spencer, William’s mother.

Well they do say that men marry women who are like their mothers. :)

I’ve found another online article which traces the Fairfax line back
to Edward III …

My final thought … if we are all descended from Adam and Eve, or
descended from some lowly form of marine life, then we are all cousins
of each other.

Talk to you soon, my dear Cousin.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Back from holiday

We had a great time with our family on holiday in Majorca, as you'll see from
the photos I've put up on my Flickr site ... I've added a few of the pics onto
the bottom of this post also.

I've spent this past week sorting out my pics (over 2GB of them), catching up
my emails, attending the photography group I belong to, and sitting in a
dentist's chair for an hour, having two crowns re-made.

One of our daughters who lives in London (L.) announced the exciting news that
she and her partner are getting married in August, with family celebrations
before and after the event ... our half of the family will be having the get-together after the event. Mrs C and I have been invited to attend a London Registry Office for the wedding itself, along with J's parents. So with the two girls as well, the actual wedding will be a small affair. We're all going for a meal together afterwards. Hopefully, I won't have to give a speech, apart from proposing a toast to the bride and groom.

I've been invited to be the main photographer for the wedding, so I've rushed
out and bought myself a flash unit to go with my camera, so I can cope better
with any poor lighting conditions.

This weekend, we went down to London to stay with L and her family. The
weather was showery, which limited what we did outside the house. One of the
highlights of our stay was that Little D was starting to get the hang of
using her potty ... with some good results but the occasional miss. :)

A few holiday photos for you ...

The beach at Port D'Alcudia in Majorca ...


The mirror-image of our apartment's balcony view, with a thunderstorm imminent
in the background ...


Meeting up with Mickey Mouse in Palma ... a treat for our grandchildren, JJ and A.


A gorgeous light lunch in Pollenca, Majorca ... smoked salmon salad, with bread
and fresh orange juice ...


Some lovely flowers growing on a wall near our apartment ...
... Morning Glory, I think.


Thursday, June 02, 2011



Hope you find the above interesting.

Mrs C and I will be in Majorca from this coming Saturday for a week, following
which I'll be processing lots of photos before my next post. Talk to you soon.