Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Comprehensive Spending Review

We’ve received news from Nottingham City Council that hefty cuts in council
services over the next 4 years will be happening, as a result of the Lib-Con’s (Government’s) Comprehensive Spending Review. Cuts as high as 33% have been
forecast by our local council, with cuts as much as 12% suggested in year one
… see the link below for more info … following on from cuts of £37 million in spending in the past 3 years.


Our council says that 80% of its spending goes on adults and children, the
rest being spent on extras such as the Library Service, other leisure
services, street cleaning, etc..

So how are such massive savings going to be achieved? Mainly by further job
cuts and reducing services for all citizens, a lot of whom are less able to
pay for them.

There is no doubt that if a Labour government had been re-elected instead
of the Lib-Cons, that there would have been cuts imposed from central
government. What is really dreadful is the scale and speed of the
forthcoming cuts, which are about to hit us all. I think we’re in for a
winter (and summer) of discontent. The recent student protest in London
about proposed increases in student tuition fees (the new poll tax) is an
example of what’s to come.



Anonymous Clifford James said...

Hi, just to let know that we've reviewed you over at the Clifford James blog - (http://www.clifford-james.co.uk/blog/rambler-blogs/).

4:39 pm  
Blogger justin said...

Thanks very much for the review, Sarah-Jayne, and for introducing me to some interesting blogsites.

10:18 pm  

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