Sunday, March 07, 2010

In the past week ...

I’ve been even more busy in the past week, catching up on a backlog
of work for my local U3A and our county organisation (after getting
back from holiday) …

Preparing reports to give to my last meeting at the latter (last
Handing over the county website to a colleague.
Preparing a long shopping list of IT equipment for my local U3A,
including laptops and a new digital projector (we’re putting in for
a National Lottery Award soon).
Preparing a talk about how to set up our existing equipment, plus
an intro to using Open Office to create text documents and PDFs
(I’ve started using PDFs for website use, which will save me a lot
of time).

I’m hoping to cut back on U3A activities, so I can spend more time
with my family and on other interests, such as family history and
photography. With the latter in mind, I’ve joined the photography
group of another U3A in the area, to improve my skills (and with
view to setting up a similar group for our U3A in the next year
or so).

On Friday we looked after our grandchildren all day, Little A and
her brother J.

A loves making cakes with Mrs C, and here is what they made…


On a previous visit when her cousin Mini was staying with us as
well, Mrs C and A made some similar buns.

A said to Mrs C: “I think Mini would like a plain one.”
Mrs C: “I think Mini would like a plain one but she might like one
with chocolate on top.
A: “I think Mini would like a plain one.”

Mini chose a chocolate one, when A offered her some cakes to choose
from. Little A. looked disappointed.

Mrs C spent a good part of yesterday putting together a veggie
goulash and puddings for our family gathering at tea-time. I ferried
one of our daughters, S, to and from a counselling workshop she
attended in Nottm., and I also spent some time sorting through
dozens of holiday photos (1GB), some of which I’ll be putting up
on Flickr soon.

Yesterday evening we drove over to the other side of Nottm, for
a brilliant harp duo concert which featured one of my daughters, L,
and her friend, K. Here’s a photo of L, which I took a couple of
years ago, followed by one of S (photo taken by one of her friends)





Blogger Kimber said...

Oh my, those cakes looks absolutely lovely! Wish you could express one to me...

12:13 am  
Blogger Kimber said...

PS: your daughters are equally lovely!

12:14 am  
Blogger justin said...

Thanks for dropping in, Kimber,
and for your kind comments. I'm
very lucky to have four lovely daughters.

11:09 pm  

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