Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We're in London this week

Yep, we're in London for the rest of this week, staying with our daughter and
family there (that includes Mini and her little sister, D). Our car journey
this morning took a bit longer than usual owing to roadworks on the M1, and
a two-lane closure on the M25, not far from Heathrow ... it took us 4 hours
to get here, half an hour more than usual. The weather today has been sunny
and mild, and there were some interesting programmes to listen to on Radio 4,
making our journey more tolerable.

I'll put up some photos of the kids onto my Flickr site (and onto here also),
early next week when I've got access to better computer facilities.

I had a two hour nap this afternoon, after a late lunch and having woken up
early this morning after only 5 hours sleep. It's now 10.15pm and everyone
else here has gone to bed early. My daughter L is woken early at 4.30am,
by Little D who hasn't yet adjusted to the hour change from British Summer
Time. Her parter J wakes up at 5am to get the 6am Underground Tube train into
his workplace in central London ... so it's early bedtimes for this family
here (and I guess for a lot of Londoners who get up early to beat the rush
hour into work). It takes J one hour on the Tube to get into the centre of
London, from South Wimbledon. It takes me a few minutes on the bus (or
15-17 mins on foot) to get into the centre of Nottingham. I wonder why
people choose to live in London (and pay 2-3 times as much for comparable

The highlights of last weekend included going to see the new film all about
John Keats, called "Bright Star" .... a fabulous production by Jane Campion
who wrote the script and directed the film, and brilliant acting by all
concerned. I give this film a five star rating. Here is a link to the
IMDb film website, if you'd like to see more and watch a film clip or two.

The other highlight included going to see the Leicester Symphony Orchestra
in action last Saturday night. We have relatives in Leicester, one of whom
plays in the orchestra, so we get to see our family there too.


Blogger John said...

Hi Justin, My daughter has naps between shifts. She calls them "Power Naps", she says that a couple of hours like that to recharge her 'batteries' is the same as a good nights sleep!

I missed the LSO at DeMontfort Hall because of other committments. Pity really, I would liked to have gone.

I know about road delays etc! I travel to Winchester to visit friends and family occasionally. It used to take me 2 1/4 hours a few years ago, now it can take up to 3 1/2 hours now beacause of all the roadworks and shear volume of traffic. Still, as they say, that's progress. . .

11:52 pm  
Blogger Betsy Brock said...

We call it Daylight Savings Time here...it messes us up terribly! By the time we adjust, it seems we turn it the other way and we start over! LOL!

1:59 pm  
Blogger justin said...

Thanks very much for your comments, Keith and Betsy. Thinking about the recent hour change reminded me of a news story some years ago about Venezuela deciding to have a permanent half-hour change, which I thought was very sensible. A brilliant compromise, which I hope the US and the EU will adopt some day.
I found the news story on Google ...

10:01 pm  

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