Sunday, November 29, 2009

A sepia on Sunday

Here's a photo of my mum when she was about 4 or 5 years old, and of
her sister too. The original is lighter in tone than what you see here.
It was taken by a Liverpool photographer in about 1918-19, I reckon.

Their father died of throat cancer in 1926, leaving the family destitute,
but subsequently the girls won scholarships to attend the girl's grammar
schools and Liverpool University too, and later got work as teachers.

two sisters


Blogger Betsy Brock said...

That is a beautiful picture! Good for them for living through a hard situation and becoming happy and successful. Interesting story and lovely picture, Justin!

12:38 am  
Blogger justin said...

Thanks for your comments, Betsy. It is one of my favourite family history photos, even if it is chocolate-boxy. I sometimes think, when I look at their faces, of the times ahead that they faced ~ some sad and some really exciting.

3:23 pm  
Blogger Michael said...

LOVe the picture. How marvelous!

Well, Justin, do come for the morning after and catch up on all the Tea posts and going ons. Would love to have a cuppa with you.

Some other Brits are flying in via Concorde. yes, it goes to Aspen don't you know. The only people who can still afraid this defunct luxury plane are those stars up here! LOL.

Well, with the wonders of the internet we shall catch up soon enough, I'm quite sure!

3:57 pm  

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