Nerds United
I've been thinking that a more upbeat name for our Computer Club
group would be Nerds United, which sounds more friendly than the
name: Nerds Anonymous. The latter sounds as though we'd like to quit
the habit, meeeting up twice a month to confess our sins, whereas
I feel it's the complete opposite ... let's have lots more ...
and more fun, please.
And blogging is fun, n'est-ce pas?
We've had three of our four daughters visiting us this weekend,
one from not so far away in Nottingham, one from Leeds, and the
third from London (who's here for the week with us). Our 4th had
to stay at home, as one of her kids is poorly (??swine flu or just
a summer cough & cold). The main reason for the get-together was
to celebrate all the family birthdays this month... lots of them
... oh, and I've just remembered, it's our wedding anniversary
this week too. I've lost count of the number of years ... 37th
this year?
I once asked my dad what the "secret" was a long & happy marriage,
(my parents had had their fair share of ups and downs during their
long married life, but in later years, they were happy together)
... and he summed it up in one word ... "tolerance".
He enjoyed black humour (as I do).
group would be Nerds United, which sounds more friendly than the
name: Nerds Anonymous. The latter sounds as though we'd like to quit
the habit, meeeting up twice a month to confess our sins, whereas
I feel it's the complete opposite ... let's have lots more ...
and more fun, please.
And blogging is fun, n'est-ce pas?
We've had three of our four daughters visiting us this weekend,
one from not so far away in Nottingham, one from Leeds, and the
third from London (who's here for the week with us). Our 4th had
to stay at home, as one of her kids is poorly (??swine flu or just
a summer cough & cold). The main reason for the get-together was
to celebrate all the family birthdays this month... lots of them
... oh, and I've just remembered, it's our wedding anniversary
this week too. I've lost count of the number of years ... 37th
this year?
I once asked my dad what the "secret" was a long & happy marriage,
(my parents had had their fair share of ups and downs during their
long married life, but in later years, they were happy together)
... and he summed it up in one word ... "tolerance".
He enjoyed black humour (as I do).
My friend (a complete nerd if I ever saw one, he's a keen train spotter) just suggested "Kompewter Freaks"! Not very nice is it?
My wife and me were blissfully happy for 21 years, and then we met. Now I'm divorced, I'm blissfully happy once again.
I just resent the email to the address at the bottom of your blogpage.
Hi Keith ~ I really don't fancy train-spotting (or meeting train spotters either). As for "Kompewter Freaks", what's freakish about using a kompewter? I think train-stalking is bizarre.
I'm pleased to hear that you're blissfully happy as a divorcee, and that you're not feeling bitter or sad about the whole experience.
Ta very much for sending me the email again.
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