The weekend
Apart from having our two gorgeous cats around, our house feels
empty at the moment. L and Mini went back home to London on Saturday
(we drove them half-way down the M1 to the Northampton Services,
where L's partner met up with us). I felt sad for a while, when we
got back home to Nottingham (it's the empty nest feeling), but I
busiest myself with a bit of housework, and doing the Times Saturday
crossword (the easy one) with Mrs C.
For the rest of the weekend, we caught up on a load of TV programmes
we'd videoed over the previous 2 weeks or so ...
Damages (the second series - amazingly good)
Mistresses (an OTT plot but brilliant acting and a must-see)
The Victorians ... a view of Victorian life illustrated with paintings
and architecture of the period, told by Jeremy Paxman.
Lark Rise ~ brilliantly re-created country/village life, though most
outdoor scenes have been enhanced with a golden glow (not much mud or
dirt evident).
We've also been watching a series of BBC 4 documentaries on famous
photographers: Jacques Henri Lartigue, James Ravilious, O. Winston
Link & Robert Capa (currently half-way through the latter).
Looking at my own photos of the children below, I've noticed that
the photos are suffused with a warm red colour (which is from all the
red fabrics in our living room) ... though perhaps I'm wearing rose-
tinted spectacles?
empty at the moment. L and Mini went back home to London on Saturday
(we drove them half-way down the M1 to the Northampton Services,
where L's partner met up with us). I felt sad for a while, when we
got back home to Nottingham (it's the empty nest feeling), but I
busiest myself with a bit of housework, and doing the Times Saturday
crossword (the easy one) with Mrs C.
For the rest of the weekend, we caught up on a load of TV programmes
we'd videoed over the previous 2 weeks or so ...
Damages (the second series - amazingly good)
Mistresses (an OTT plot but brilliant acting and a must-see)
The Victorians ... a view of Victorian life illustrated with paintings
and architecture of the period, told by Jeremy Paxman.
Lark Rise ~ brilliantly re-created country/village life, though most
outdoor scenes have been enhanced with a golden glow (not much mud or
dirt evident).
We've also been watching a series of BBC 4 documentaries on famous
photographers: Jacques Henri Lartigue, James Ravilious, O. Winston
Link & Robert Capa (currently half-way through the latter).
Looking at my own photos of the children below, I've noticed that
the photos are suffused with a warm red colour (which is from all the
red fabrics in our living room) ... though perhaps I'm wearing rose-
tinted spectacles?
How are the cats getting on with their cat flap?
Hi LOM. Thanks for asking. I'm replying as you can see.
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