Friday, January 30, 2009

Another busy week

I'm posting photos of my other grandchildren, Shibby and Drake,
whom we visited earlier this week. Mrs C and I spent a few hours
with them ~ so I had plenty of time to snap a few more photos of

(to see a larger version, just click on one)

You'll see that the photos are slightly out of focus, and the middle one
slightly over-exposed, but I think they're great all the same.

I've spent well over a week preparing a Powerpoint talk on various ways
of backing up stuff on your computer, with emphasis on using a DVD/CD writer
in both Windows XP and Vista ~ this was for the Computer Club I help run
for my local U3A. About 25 people turned up for the talk ~ my highest
attendance so far, helped by my advertising the talk a few days in advance
by email (I have 160+ members on my email list).

Today I went to a newly formed county-wide U3A network group ~ its inaugural
meeting, where we all talked about simple constitutional matters and what we
wanted out of the group. I've been invited to create a website for this group
in due course ~ I think I'll use the free services of to set up a
simple one.

With the help of an accountant friend, we managed to send off our first
online tax return yesterday (for Mrs C) ~ filling in all the forms was
surprisingly easy ~ the hardest bit was getting all the info together,
beforehand ~ something which I loathe doing, and which puts me off
starting my own business or doing some part-time work for a company.
Instead I offer my admin/website services for free - to Mrs C and to my
two musician daughters, and to my local U3A (which is a charity).

I have wondered about making some pocket money as a photographer, but
I'm not good as the professionals (and the amateur photographers at my
nearest camera club), and there's too much competition around. Nottingham
Trent University runs a photography course, and a lot of its graduates
will be looking for work in the area.

More freezing cold weather is coming our way this weekend, and snow is
forecast for Monday ~ perhaps another photo-opportunity? :)


Blogger Kimber said...

Oh! The hair on the middle guy is THE BEST HAIR EVER! Love it.

Stay warm Justin...

8:22 pm  

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