Friday, November 21, 2008

Two funny stories this week

Little A’s speech development is coming on quickly … we looked
after her one day this week, while her mum did some shopping
in town.

Mrs C offered her a large piece of shortbread (which is one of
A’s favourites).

“No, Grandma,” she said brushing Mrs C’s arm aside. “There’s
some buttons up there.” She pointed out a small packet of milk
chocolate buttons, high up on one of the kitchen shelves. A’s
second birthday was in October.

I was in town shopping myself yesterday, queuing up with loads
of other people in M & S (which had a 20% off day, to boost
pre-Christmas sales). An affluent middle-aged couple were
standing in front of me, when the bloke went off to find a
£200 suit for himself, leaving his wife holding some underwear
for him. He handed her his posh black Barclaycard, muttering in
a rather droll & critical tone in his voice: “You know the pin
number for this, don’t you? Well, you’ve had a lot of practice.”

He came back holding a black pin-striped suit, which looked
very sharp. “They didn’t have my size, so the jacket is a bit
tight on me… (he had a big paunch) … I must lose some weight.”

“Never mind,” said his wife, “you can come back next week, and
ask if they can get the larger size for you.” Clever woman,
I thought … 20 per cent off his suit today.

Today, we going off to Kent for the next week or so, on holiday
with our family. A freezing cold wind from the North is
forecast this weekend, with snow down the northern East coast.
We'll be taking lots of jumpers, etc, and our swimming things ...
for a dip in an indoor pool.

Talk to you soon.


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