Wednesday, June 13, 2007

yet more baby photos

Well, you can see from the following photos that I'm a doting
grandparent. I really enjoy seeing Little Ava -- it's like being
a dad again, but without all the nappy changing and night-time
disruption. At a feeling level, I'd call it love - to an
outsider, he or she may call it "observer bias".

Thinking about daft ideas, I was listening to a news quiz radio
programme about 2 weeks ago, when there was mention of a new
city academy school, that's just opened in the south of England
(query in London). The new headmaster was asked by a journalist
why there were no playgrounds in his new school, to which I
gather he replied that the lessons in class would be sufficiently
stimulating for the pupils not to require breaks, and that they
could have drinks and nibbles within the school building.
At the end of this story, one of the radio comedians remarked
that the pupils should be renamed as "scholastic end-user units".


Blogger AngelConradie said...

she is just SOOO kyoot!!!

7:10 pm  

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