Sunday, November 12, 2006

Banner revamped

I've just spent an hour or so, trying out an idea from Edt to
highlight the text on my Banner photo -- positioning a small
piece of translucent white photo between the text and the
original photo -- for those of you who have Photoshop, it's
easy to reduce the opacity of a layer (to make it
translucent), by tweaking the opacity slider on the Layers
palette. So, many thanks, Edt, for that suggestion. I'd be
interested to hear from everyone if you like the highlighted
text or not.
I don't feel tempted to try out the new version of Blogger,
which involves signing up for a Google account (I'm with
Googlemail already, so I don't fancy having another account
with them). Has anyone tried it and think it's worth
changing over to the new Blogger?


Blogger steve said...

I use the new blogger aas I will try anything new Justin.
I find not a lot of difference, just wish I had the time to use it more.

7:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't help you with the Blogger suggestion as I fled to Wordpress. I must add that I have found Wordpress to be wonderful!

I really like the new banner though - the highlighted text is very subtle, you almost don't notice the change but it is very eye catching.

9:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The opaque banner background is starting to work, may I be so bold as to suggest moving it up just a tad, so it peaks over the top of the text, and making it a tad lighter?...Probably entirely unrelated but your banner took much longer to load on dial-up here this evening?...Am discovering some cool things about Adobe Elements4 that PhotoDelux4 didn't have. Keep up the good work. Regards from a very windy spring in NZ...

5:53 am  
Blogger justin said...

Thanks for your comments, folks. The banner probably has more pixels in it than the old one, which would account for the slower time for it to upload. I'm on 1MB Broadband here, so I don't have these problems. I'll tweak the banner photo slightly when I'm back from London, next week.

I do notice that Alan's "Reluctant Nomad" pages are very slow to upload when he puts on lots of photos, as at present ... just in case you're reading this, Alan.

7:44 pm  

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