Saturday, October 14, 2006

lifestyle choices

MB writes in the comments, that she's amazed by the fact that
I've had so few jobs in my life ... she says, "That strikes
me as unusual!". Well, yes it is ... especially for the
present younger generation, who aspire to travel abroad, and
have lots of designer clothes, electronic gadgets and
computer games. It's usual now for young people to take on
part-time work to fund all this spending, or to take a year
out of education and travel or do voluntary work abroad.

People did do this in my day, but generally not those going
through med school. Some schoolkids did do paper rounds of
course, but I made do with the little pocket money I got off
my parents, and had a dull social life as a result when I
was growing up. I wasn't into meeting girls in coffee bars,
as a teenager -- I know of some lads who did, but I was/am
socially inept in that respect.

I did go to a few CND meetings as a teeanager, and met up
socially with a few of younger members -- they were keen to
go on protest marches, and one of them I remember was very
keen to get into fights with the police --on one occasion, he
brought home a policeman's helmet as a trophy) -- punch-ups
are not my cup of tea, so I didn't carry on meeting up with
I did write off to several hospitals departments in the US,
for temporary work in the summer hols, between my second and
third year at med school. Nothing came of that, but I did
intend to work and travel round the US that summer, until I
found out that I had an exam to resit. It was on neurology,
so I spent the summer holiday reading and learning a couple
of textbooks instead.
One film I enjoyed watching as a student was "Easy Rider",
which came out in 1969. I was amazed by the care-free
lifestyle and impressed by the thought of just going off
on a motorbike ... just going somewhere ... dropping out,
or what some people said was bumming around. Well the hippy
lifestyle and flower power was all the rage then was
the fashionable thing to do for the young, who wanted to break
free of the treadmill of education and working long hours
and years in a job. I chose to carry on.
So, how about you -- did you wish you'd done something else
with your life?


Blogger Reluctant Nomad said...

There are definitely things I wish I had done. For example, even though I chose to drop out of medicine after 3 years and didn't regret it, I do in a way now. Mostly because being a medic/doctor is a profession that is relatively protected by the vagaries of corporate cost-cutting exercises.

10:44 am  
Blogger justin said...

Yes, I think that's generally true,RN. However, I've heard that Nottingham medical school (& other med schools) are currently turning out more graduates than there are jobs available for them -- some will have to emigrate to get going in medicine -- there are cost pressures on the hospitals not to take on more junior medical staff, it seems. Also there is cut-throat competition for the best junior hospital jobs -- so there's a lot of job insecurity there -- there always has been, but it's something that's not talked about.

11:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Puts little New Zealand's hand ooop. Can our rural regions struggling to find GPs have some of them graduate lads & lasses from oooop nor'th...Please Note: Some scenery may be have been digitally enhanced in Lord of the Rings but this is all real. To be realistic, sadly we are cosmopolitan in our methamphetamine,child abuse and we have a boy racer problem here, but at least we're not cruel to poor little Citroen's like they are in the UK ;)

12:46 am  
Blogger justin said...

Oddly enough, the UK is short of GPs too, edt. GP jobs are well paid, but the workload and stress is high. I retired asap, as I was fed up with the mountains of paperwork, and feeling stressed out with the day-to-day workload.
If I were a young GP trainee with no family ties, I'd be thinking about working in lovely places like NZ.

11:06 pm  

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