Here are a few of the sculptures I photographed in the gardens
at Chatsworth last weekend. Mike gives a good description of
them in his blog for last Monday 18 September, if you'd like
more info.. There's a lovely Henry Moore sculpture there, which
I noticed on the way out - a reclining figure in black, which
looked lovely.
I've been thinking how much easier it is for a sculptor to create
a reclining figure than a tall upright one - no scaffolding or a
"head for heights" required for the lower ones. I feel very
nervous climbing up a tall ladder - I've got no head for heights
at all.
Mrs C and I are away for another long weekend - this time we'll
be in Staffordshire. Back Monday. TTFN.
at Chatsworth last weekend. Mike gives a good description of
them in his blog for last Monday 18 September, if you'd like
more info.. There's a lovely Henry Moore sculpture there, which
I noticed on the way out - a reclining figure in black, which
looked lovely.
I've been thinking how much easier it is for a sculptor to create
a reclining figure than a tall upright one - no scaffolding or a
"head for heights" required for the lower ones. I feel very
nervous climbing up a tall ladder - I've got no head for heights
at all.
Mrs C and I are away for another long weekend - this time we'll
be in Staffordshire. Back Monday. TTFN.
Oh! Good to see these, especially the Dali as I couldn't quite summon it up in my memory.
I had almost dismissed the "Miles Davis" on first sight, until I went up closer and viewed it from the "wrong way round". Some lovely visual trickery there.
Hi Mike - thanks for your comments.
I thought the Miles Davis was the most visually exciting one in the garden - great to photograph.
I would have taken more photos of the outside, but I didn't have the time or energy to do so, after a long tour of the house.
I thought the photo of you and K. in the dahlia border was brilliant, BTW.
The third one (the Dali?) is wonderful. Thanks for the tour Justin. I've never been to Chatsworth so these posts are an inducement ....
Yes, Mary, the Dali is an amazing sight, especially close up to it. I've found out a little bit more about it, on various websites ... it depicts Isaac Newton and the apple that fell on his head. The exhibition of garden sculpture is on until about mid October, following which Sotheby's will sell them off .... so if you've got some spare cash and a large garden ....
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