What do you think about renewing Trident?
Well, what have I been up to in the last few days?
For one thing, I've been busy preparing a talk on
euthanasia, which I gave yesterday to a group of
retired folk like myself. (Nottm U3A members).
I must have spent a good 4 weeks putting together
a lot of medical info about various cancers, heart
disease and strokes - all about what people die of
and the likelihood of anyone developing lung cancer,
plus the risk factors for all these conditions,
followed up by 20 mins or so looking at the current
situation on euthanasia here and abroad. The talk
went very well yesterday, by the way.
It was my first go at putting together a Powerpoint
presentation, which was tons easier that the old
days of making colour slides and acetates for the
overhead projector. I used to give first aid talks
in the 1980s and was also active in the Medical
Campaign against Nuclear Weapons. This was around
the time that Cruise missiles were stationed at
Greenham Common, and the war-mongering talk of
Thatcher and Reagan.
I thought they were scary times - to think of a
US President who had signs of early dementia,
being in charge of launching all those nuclear
weapons, and also with Margaret Thatcher letting
the US use us as a base for all its weaponry.
And then I think of people like Tony Blair &
Gordon Brown, who wish to update our American
Trident missile system - just why do we need a
nuclear deterrent, when most other countries can
manage without one? And what a terrible waste of
money. Gordon Brown announced a top figure of
£25 billion pounds to pay for this upgrade at his
Mansion House speech recently. Well you could
double that, going by how costs tend to escalate
for arms contracts (and the new NHS computerisation
too)... money that could be better spent on
improving health care, education and pensions.
What do you think about renewing our Trident arsenal?
On a happier note, Mrs C and I are getting ready
for a round of family get-togethers over the next
two weekends - there are numerous birthdays, our
34th wedding anniversary and a family wedding too -
a cousin of Mrs C's is getting married, quite late in
life -- similar to his parents who married late too.
He is 42 this year and his dad is now 83.
I'll brighten up this post with another photo of my
great nephew - Little Boy Blue.
For one thing, I've been busy preparing a talk on
euthanasia, which I gave yesterday to a group of
retired folk like myself. (Nottm U3A members).
I must have spent a good 4 weeks putting together
a lot of medical info about various cancers, heart
disease and strokes - all about what people die of
and the likelihood of anyone developing lung cancer,
plus the risk factors for all these conditions,
followed up by 20 mins or so looking at the current
situation on euthanasia here and abroad. The talk
went very well yesterday, by the way.
It was my first go at putting together a Powerpoint
presentation, which was tons easier that the old
days of making colour slides and acetates for the
overhead projector. I used to give first aid talks
in the 1980s and was also active in the Medical
Campaign against Nuclear Weapons. This was around
the time that Cruise missiles were stationed at
Greenham Common, and the war-mongering talk of
Thatcher and Reagan.
I thought they were scary times - to think of a
US President who had signs of early dementia,
being in charge of launching all those nuclear
weapons, and also with Margaret Thatcher letting
the US use us as a base for all its weaponry.
And then I think of people like Tony Blair &
Gordon Brown, who wish to update our American
Trident missile system - just why do we need a
nuclear deterrent, when most other countries can
manage without one? And what a terrible waste of
money. Gordon Brown announced a top figure of
£25 billion pounds to pay for this upgrade at his
Mansion House speech recently. Well you could
double that, going by how costs tend to escalate
for arms contracts (and the new NHS computerisation
too)... money that could be better spent on
improving health care, education and pensions.
What do you think about renewing our Trident arsenal?
On a happier note, Mrs C and I are getting ready
for a round of family get-togethers over the next
two weekends - there are numerous birthdays, our
34th wedding anniversary and a family wedding too -
a cousin of Mrs C's is getting married, quite late in
life -- similar to his parents who married late too.
He is 42 this year and his dad is now 83.
I'll brighten up this post with another photo of my
great nephew - Little Boy Blue.

A fish on a bicycle makes more sense than Trident and "nukiller" weapons in general. But (some) humans are the most irrational creatures in the animal kingdom and destroying the planet they live on seems to them perfectly rational. If I had a choice, I'd prefer to be a fish.
I agree with you, Natalie, but how can we convince those in favour of us having a nuclear deterrent, to give it up. Or are they totally irrational/delusional/psychotic? They think the same of us, and think we're the loony left. :)
When reason will prevail over irrationality on this planet is when fish will learn to ride bicycles. In other words, I am an optimistic pessimist. I think we have to find constructively irrational peaceful ways to change irrational minds.
I can understand how you feel and what an awfull waste of money it seems to be.
However there are people and countrys who would without any thought whatsoever destroy our way of life and our freedom.
Its only my view of course but I think we do need a big stick to protect our lives.
You don't have to use it but it's nice it's there.
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