Tuesday, July 04, 2006

car stickers

Don’t you just love those dangly stickers that
some drivers stick in the back windows of their
cars? The latest one I’ve seen is one being
marketed by Mothercare, proclaiming “Princess on
Board” on a bright pink background. The idea
behind this according to the company is that it
“alerts other drivers and emergency services that
you are carrying precious cargo”.

Well, that solves that mystery then, for I was
beginning to wonder if someone had resurrected
Princess Di.

I remember the comedian Jasper Carrott having one
of his usual rants on a TV show, a good many years
ago. He went on at length about his disgust at
seeing a car sticker in a rear car window, saying
“Baby on Board”, which told all the world that the
driver had got a baby. JC thought it was one-
upmanship on the part of the driver, and offensive
to childless couples. Yes, that’s British humour
for you, or Jasper’s version of it.

On our way driving down to London last weekend, I
took a detour from the MI, and drove down the A43
to join the M40 and then the M25 near Heathrow.
While I was slowing down to about 50 mph on the
approach to one of several roundabouts on the A43,
I could tell that there was an impatient white van
driver behind me, trying to nudge me along (as they
do). I got two sharp blasts on his car horn as he
sped off in another direction at the roundabout ...
bloody annoying! I felt like making a rude hand
gesture, but I'm not one for a punch-up.

Well shortly after that, I hit upon an idea, that
would probably sell well with some of the royalties
going to an American film company
.... a car sticker
announcing, “Mr Magoo on Board”. How appropriate if
I had one, for I've just read a brief description of
this cartoon character ... “Mister Magoo, a crotchety,
nearsighted, lovable old coot”, which describes me


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