Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Our lovely cats

I thought you might like to see a couple
of photos of our lovely cats... Miss D and
Slayer, which are their "pet" names. They are
twin sisters and they're now about 3 years old.
Miss D is the larger of the two, and is
bossier than her sister (though Slayer
occasionally initiates a fight). They get on
very well together otherwise.

They are very friendly towards us, me in
particular. I wonder if cats are more
attracted towards humans of the opposite
sex? I could never get on with a male cat
called Franny,who lived with us some years
ago, yet he adored our girls, who adored him
in turn.

Since our girls left home, our cats have
helped fill the gap/empty nest to some
extent ... always good company, except when
they're naughty (such as when they scratch
our carpets, especially the stair carpets).
I took these photos with my previous camera,
the Olympus C-5060 ... the first one is of
Miss D, and the second one is Slayer.....



Blogger andrea said...

Female ginger cats are unusual -- but two in a litter? Wow. They are magnificent-looking cats (nice photos). Our cat likes it best when both my husband and I are there. She seems to know that when we talk our hands can pay attention to her ... and do.

2:26 am  
Blogger whatalotoffun said...

Hi there. lovely pics. I love cats too we had 4 cats, 3 siamese cats and a pitch black one with bottle green eyes. we picked her up in the park she was only one or two days old with her umbilicalcord still on. With a small bottle to feed her and a hot water bottle and the alarm set for every 2 hours to feed her, she lived to be about 5 years old.

11:39 am  
Blogger Mary said...

You're right. They are lovely.

9:43 pm  
Blogger justin said...

The mother of our cats, Daisy, was almost pure white... a beautiful, large white moggie. Her owner had obtained her from the RSPCA, who said she'd been spayed, which turned out to be not true.
Anyway, we think the father was a ginger tom, who/which we've seen lurking around our neighbourhood since, and who got lucky, one Xmas Eve.
Miss D and Slayer have two brothers, who were more gingery than our two. Miss D was the most adventurous and the most friendly, but they were all adorable.
I would be interested to hear from you, if you think male cats are more friendly towards female owners, if you think female cats prefer men. Or is it that men prefer female cats, etc.?

11:20 am  

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