Thursday, February 09, 2006

Reach for the sky

Here's a photo of some roses given to Mrs C
as a thank-you present.....

.....and here is one of my sky photos, taken
through the skylight in the bathroom.

I love looking at the sky and cloud
formations - peaceful and uplifting at the
same time.

A few months ago I read an NLP book on how
to have more fun in life. The author reckoned
that looking at the sky, and/or kite flying
was a great way to lift your mood. She'd
observed that depressed people tend to look
downwards towards the floor, and she advised
her depressed clients to look upwards instead.

This mood-elevating effect is something that
Tolstoy wrote about in his novel, "War and
Peace", when one of his characters wakes up
on the battlefield, to see a lovely sky
straight above him. Inspirational.


Blogger Reluctant Nomad said...

I look forward to the flowers I hope you'll be buying Mrs for St Valentine's day!

6:56 pm  
Blogger justin said...

Thanks for getting in touch, RN, and for your suggestion.
I've bought her a CD instead, of Johnny Cash performing live at Folsom Prison (1968)... re-enacted in the film, "Walk The Line". I did think about getting some flowers as well, but we've agreed to limit the cost of any pressies to each other.
Mrs C is having a weekend away in Bridlington with her friends, next weekend, so I plan to get her some flowers for her return.

12:09 am  

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