Monday, June 20, 2005

Home Brewing Down Under

Hi everyone,
I was surfing the net a few minutes ago, and
came across an interesting website called
Brewcraft, with home-brewing advice in it.
If you’re interested in working out the
specific gravity of your brews, there is a
helpful calculator you can use (just enter
the specific gravity of the beer at the start
and end of the fermentation).

Anyway, here is the website for you.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Not a lot of news

Hi everyone.
Not a lot of news here. We’re having a new
kitchen put in, so everything is chaotic chez
nous at the moment.

I’m more than two thirds of the way down both
of my beer kegs . The Munton’s Pilsner and
the Woodforde bitter have been excellent,
so if I were to stick to these two kits in
future, I wouldn’t have much to blog/brag

I’ve also been busy with my family history
research. I’ve been to Merseyside to meet
up with a couple of elderly relatives there
... the first time I've seen them. They were
very pleased to see me, and treated me like a
long lost son.

Also in the past week, I've written my
autobiography. This runs to 27 pages and is
entitled "My Delinquent Self". My literary
agent can't wait to get his hands on it.

Hope you have a great summer.